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June 23, 2022 · DigiPlan,oktatás,projectNovember 12, 2021 · project,family circleNovember 10, 2021 · oktatás,project,DigiPlanMore PostsWho we are
Levente Horváth PhD
PhD on the opportunities for climate change in Hungary. MA in Mathematics and Physics at ELTE.
Curriculum design and development: multidiscipline online material - Corvinus University
He worked in the VAHAVA Project - the first comprehensive climate change research project in Hungary. Predecessor Chief Science Officer of the Climate Change Research Group in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, teaches Mathematics, IT and Biometry at Corvinus University,
12 years experience.
Responsible for the ‘Green modules' and sustainability in our company.
Lately sustainability professional for a multinational company too.
Alexandra Janakakisz
MA in Agriculture, Corvinus University, Budapest, specialization in Management and Marketing.
Researcher in Glossa - Greek as a Vehicle for Promoting Linguistic Diversity, EU’s LLP.
Volunteering - Animal Rescue Team "Csutkarozi M"
Responsible for green and safety modules.
Project manager and coordinator at Erasmus+ projectsFerenc Végh
Ferenc's first degree is in Communication, but in the last 20 years he kept educating himself in many different areas. Such as economics, English-American and Hungarian literature and lingustics, tourism and most recently psychology.
He is currently a clinical psychologist candidate and works as a psychologist at a private practice. Besides all that he has been working in TV for more than 15 years, he is the editor of Hungary's most popular travel show. He is also a trainer at Victum, a training company and Cromo Foundation.
He has extensive experience in cross-cultural communication. As a psychologist and a cross-cultural trainer, he supports adults in cultural transition situation.
As a tv presenter he has the main role in creating training videos and training adults in communication skills improvement at our company.
Nóra Janakakisz
Work experience: Project manager of the EU educational Projects 'GLOSSA' and 'SoS', School Director, Language Examiner, Curriculum developer, Author of the School Book, 'EN PLO', Editor in Chief of the Official Journal of the Greeks in Hungary
Studies: PhD Research Student - Intercultural Skills, MA in Political Science - Southeast European Studies, MA in Greek Language and Literature, Qualification in EU Affairs
Grantee - A. S. Onassis P. B. Foundation, EU Program for Young Entrepreneurs, Hungarian Ministry of Education
Volunteering - Orphanage of Budapest, Animal Rescue Team "Csutkarozi M."
Honorary Member of the Hellenic Cultural Center in Milano
Member of the Council of Minorities - Hungarian Ministry of Human Resoruces
10 years experience in classroom teaching
5 years experience in online training
She coordinates the educational issues at our company.
Dimitrisz Janakakisz †
RIP, always in our heart, You will be loved and remembered forever. ( † 27/07/2016)
Entrepreneur for 30 years at a disadvantaged area of Hungary (CEO, employes 40 workers)MA in Mechanical Engineering
Certification in Business Management, University of Cambridge
Coordinator for our entrepreneur skills programs.
Andrea Szatmári
MA in Economics: specialization in Tourism, Hotel and Hospitality.
PR, communication and marketing specialist since 1990.
PR manager for 15 years in public hospitals (Josa Andras Hospital, Nyíregyháza and Szent Imre Hospital, Budapest)Pharmacy assistant and herb expert since 1977.
Volunteering - Animal Rescue Team "Csutkarozi M"
Mentor in our Quality of life, and Soft skills development programs.
Adviser in peaceful communication in private and business life.
Andrea Oláh
Andrea graduated as a Specialist in Typography and a Teacher of Hungarian language.
She has a 8 year work experience in desktop publishing, proof-reading, text editing and has editorial duties.
She is responsible for publishing - editing and gives the technical and graphical support and prepress at our company.
Check out our completed and ongoing projects here.
DIGIPLAN is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in VET, with the main focus on enhancing motivation and time management in Distance Learning.
The subject of the project is motivation and time management in Distance Learning. Students are (and will be for a long time) challenged by changing learning requirements - schools need to adapt to national health challenges and also socioeconomic conditions. Now they have difficulties switching from rigid classroom conditions and external motivation to online learning, when sometimes no one is forcing them to learn effectively. Teachers are challenged by this as well. Methods that were moderately effective in classrooms, no longer work in forced blending/online conditions. Teachers have a big problem with students not participating/ignoring/being distracted, as well as parents not supporting the process. Over time, it became clear that it was not the equipment or technical skills of the teachers that were the biggest problem in effective remote learning, but the underrated aspect of self-management, motivation and time management.
The project is designed to provide students with attractive materials to increase intrinsic motivation and learn effective time management. Moreover, it will enable teachers to gain knowledge and experience in the subject, which will allow them to work with students on increasing motivation and time management by creating an In-Service Training Programme and Handbook.
Family Circle Project
Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Family Learning To Drive Demand for A Circular Economy
The circular economy is seen as an integral but interdependent part of a just transition to a low-carbon society. While early legislation that framed the initial development of the circular economy was primarily focused or waste and re-cycling it is now essential for the success of the ‘use, reuse’ model at the heart of the circular economy that different service provision and ownership models are embraced by consumers. Education and awareness raising are two of the key next steps if the circular economy is to become a widely followed and sustainable option for Europe. While the full potential of the circular economy for Europe has yet to be identified or quantified, there is momentum in circular economy practices in Europe, but action is needed to sustain this movement and the meaning and nature of the circular economy needs to be understood more widely.
Consumers are, and will continue to be, major influencers in the development of the Circular Economy in Europe. With the explosion of social media and the huge numbers of 'digital natives' who are almost permanently engaged in online activity the power of consumers to effect change is greater than ever before. What is now needed are consumer education programmes that address issues of national and international importance like moving to a circular economy model. Project partners are of the opinion that the family is the perfect setting to launch a concerted educational campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the circular economy; of what a circular economy should look like; of how businesses should operate in a circular economy model; and of how consumers should behave to ensure that the best outcomes for people : profit : planet are achieved.
ME2ME Project
Micro-enterprise Learning Partnerships
ME2ME, is an innovative project that aims to develop bespoke peer-to-peer learning networks in real and virtual environments where micro-enterprise owners can share their knowledge and skills with other business owners supported by duly trained VET professionals. The owners of micro-enterprises are the key decision makers where learning in this sector is concerned and by attracting business owners to these new learning environments the project will improve the potential for learning within each micro-enterprise engaged especially for staff or workers with low skill levels.
Developing closer working relationships between the world of education and the world of work is a major priority for all Member States to try and ensure that VET provision responds to the needs of the market place. Bringing VET professionals and micro-enterprise owners together within the framework of the ME2ME project will help to cultivate positive attitudes and relationships that can be difficult in real-world settings.
Partners in 8 Member States will work with key business stakeholders to identify skills and knowledge that could be used to benefit the business community as a whole. Partners will conduct audits of micro-enterprises in their local areas to identify skill and knowledge assets that could be useful to the wider business community. A suite of bespoke mini-learning-format resources appropriate for on-line learning environments will be developed to address issues identified during a research and audit exercise in each local area.
As most of the business owners involved in the project will have no pedagogic training, an induction programme will be developed to ensure that the required quality standards are achieved in the peer-to-peer learning environments developed. Similarly, as most VET professionals are unfamiliar with on-line learning and the change in roles that it requires and don't have the required media production skills to produce mini-learning-format resources a continuous professional development curriculum will be developed to support their role as developers of engaging learning content and facilitators of learning in the new peer-to-peer learning networks.
The Game Changer
The 'Game Changer', Creating Science-based Online Games and Activities for Maximizing the Long Run Well-Being of People in Transition Situation Through Skills Development
Pandokrator Ltd. as coordinator
The project's key objective is to support, develop and enable individuals to make/respond to transitions by maximizing their potential through improvement of their skills and well-being in a long time period with the support of 'social operators' - trainers, coaches, psychologist, social workers, mentors, counselors and educators - in an web-based community, and parallel harmonizing the standards of skills of 'social operators' by accreditation. Achieving this objective will in turn, improve employability and therefore reduce unemployment, promote mobility, equality and diversity, integration and respect for human rights.
The project participants:
The partnership consists of five partner organisations with different geographical and socioeconomic background, resulting in very different educational needs and experiences. All partner countries are affected by current human and economic crisis, therefore, new educational theories, practices and methods are demanded for our organisations. Our partners are experts in psychology, counseling people with disabilities, teaching adults, accreditation, assessment, mentoring young people with learning difficulties, educational technology and design development and EU project implementation, minority education, curriculum design.VET-Safety
Vocational Education & Training Standards in Agriculture, Forestry & Environmental Safety at Heights
During December 2014, ABA International members supported & participated in a new European skills training and safety initiative with a large group of partners from around Europe. The VET-SAFETY project was officially launched in Czech Republic following an earlier preliminary meeting held in Denmark. The project is funded by the European Union as part of the Erasmus + programme and is aimed at the vocational education & training sector. ABA International will continue to promote & support this exciting new initiative as it develops over the next few years. Common key objectives include:- Improving safety & skills training standards relating to working at height activities in Agriculture, Forestry & the Environment
- Development of new resources to support skills training instructors & assessors
- Development of an International health & safety data warehouse
- Harmonisation & implementation of new European skills certification standards
SoS Project
Gaining and strengthening Soft Skills for employability through supporting methods (peer coaching and mentoring)
Pandokrator Ltd. as coordinator
The Learning Partnership "Gaining and strengthening 'soft skills' for employment through models of supporting methods (peer coaching and mentoring)" gathers eight European partners from seven countries: Hungary, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Cyprus and Denmark.
The general objectives of the project are to face the challenge of growing elderly population and unemployment in Europe and to increase the number of adult learners in lifelong learning and mobilities.
The project's main objective is to develop learning tools and environments for strengthening 'soft skills' and models of supporting learning and training while connecting generations in order to increase employability and motivation for all ages.
The project addresses the lack of researches done on soft skills and related training methods (voluntary methods, such as peer coaching and mentoring) as well as online communities and workshops organized on these topics in Europe. The participants have understood the need for putting emphasis on soft skills for more quality and better results in their organizations. Therefore, the project aims at raising the awareness of the need for these skills and supportive models that incorporate best practices available for use by individuals, other organizations, enterprises and local, regional, national and European authorities. Furthermore, the researches and activities of the project are expected to be core elements for future cooperations in a so called knowledge triangle, something that is a priority of our organizations and the European Union. The main results are the development of a new learning process through two new products, the 'Soft Skills Toolkit' and the 'Guidelines for models of supporting methods (Peer Coaching and Mentoring)'.E-learning
Content development and review of technological, methodological and teaching methods for e-learning, especially in the field of horticulture and environmental sustainability.
Subcontracting to the Corvinus University of Budapest.
E-learning material for horticultural engineer students
Lea Publishing
Pandokrator's Lea Publishing
Little Yogi On Board
by Nora Janakakisz
Little Yogi on Board is a fairytale for practicing Yoga and Mindfulness either for children 2+, the whole family, or yoga classes.
The story is about 3 little kids' sea rescue adventure. The fairytale's protagonist is the reader, leading the team through yoga, relaxing and breathing exercises.
The book - based on positive parenting and the philosophy of yoga - is a simple and fun tool for parents and teachers, applying play-based learning. Nora, the author, is an educator, a PhD Candidate in Education, a mother, a yoga instructor (RYT-200). Viki is an illustrator artist and a Marathon runner.
Hard cover, coloured book, 28 pages, English. Including 11 yoga flow mini sequences for kids.
Release date: January 2020.
ISBN 978-615-00-7465-8
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Itt tudod a magyar nyelvű kiadványainkat megrendelni
Kis Jógi a fedélzeten
2,890 FtA Kis jógi a fedélzeten című jóga-, és tudatos jelenlét mesekönyv szórakoztató, biztonságos jógázásra hívja az egész családot.
QuantityComing soonEducation
Our organization promotes multiculturalism, linguistic diversity, European intercultural awareness, soft skills development, inclusion and new educational technologies. Our main philosophy is to achieve the above mainly through researches on personal skills and intercultural competence, language teaching, training and cultural activities.
Pandokrator creates learning environments that address the diverse needs of learners and participants and supports them to embrace their passions and interests as well as to achieve their potential. We achieve these by various sizes and types of groups and learning approaches as well as by a wide range of choices of workshops, seminars and courses.
Soft Skills
DevelopmentLanguage teaching
Online training
Training with AccreditationLandscaping & Gardening
Our other main field of work is landscape design, maintenance and gardening.
We also provide consultancy and guidance for apartment houses on how to look after their common gardens, patios.
This scope of activities is based in Hungary, so our gardening websites are in national language.
Társasházi Kertek
Kedves Lakó, Közös képviselő!
A nagyváros forgatagában, a rohanó világban üdítő kincsnek számít akár a legkisebb kertecske is. Érdemes vele foglalkozni, hiszen már kis összegekből is hatalmas eredményeket lehet elérni a belső udvarokban, közös kertekben.
Talán vannak olyanok, akik emlékeznek még a régi szép időkre, amikor a szomszédok mosolyogva beszélték meg dolgaikat. Nem lenne megnyugtató érzés, ha újra tudnánk, hogy akik körülöttünk élnek, azok figyelnek ránk? A kert, és a kertépítés nem csak szépséges végeredménnyel kecsegtet, hanem az elhidegült befásodást is oldani tudja.
Vágjunk hát bele közösen!
A Pandokrátor Kft. 2010 nyarán alakult zöldterület kezelésre. Emelett foglalkozunk workshopok, felnőtt tanulói műhelyek szervezésével is környezet témakörben.
Büszkék vagyunk rá, hogy cégünkkel már többször nyertünk el Európai Uniós pályázatot, ahol más tagállamok szervezeteivel együtt dolgozva prezentálhatunk eredményeket. A nemzetközi munkakörnyezet segít a széles látókör kialakításában, szükség van a türelemre, egymás megértésére és elfogadására.
A társasházi kertek tervezésekor is az egyik legfontosabb szempontnak tartjuk, hogy a tér, amit létrehozunk maradéktalanul illeszkedjen a lakók életviteléhez, megfeleljen az elvárásaiknak. Mi csak egy rövid időt töltünk egy-egy kertben, de a megrendelőknek ott, együtt is kell élniük a kialakított kompozícióval. Ezért rugalmasan, de minden szaktudásunkkal segítünk a kertek kialakításában.
Janakakisz Alexandra
Okleveles kertészmérnök(Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Kertészettudományi Kar)
Keressen minket bizalommal!
A társasházi kerteket csinálhatjuk közösen a lakókkal, lehetőség van csak szaktanácsadásra, illetve ha a lakók nem szeretnének, vagy nincs idejük a kerttel foglalkozni, természetesen a teljes munkálatokat is el tudjuk végezni.
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